Copper sun…..not that exciting- Ethan Vinson

Overall Copper sun was like any book about slavery it had all the classic tropes, It had a horrible “origin” story her family had been murdered and had to watch as her friends had gotten slaughtered by  another tribe that was lead by foreign men. Next was held like well a prisoner, again has been overused. But then she meets another woman you would think that is original and that the author was trying to make it seem like, “wow this is so new and original.” and she befriends this woman and they get transported to be sold and while on the ship begins to get used for pleasure but at the same time meets a nice sailor who feeds her and teaches her english.At the slave auction there is a self righteous, white woman who, “like totally can’t believe that these creatures(the slaves) have been created by god.” but ends up being bought by the same man who bought her indenture and ends up being tasked with teaching her to be civil. Long story short they end up having to run away to this “safe haven” because they lied to there master. Now to me this seem like this is just paraphrasing which is totally not copyright or just stealing no not at all.

– Divinity Davis

The character’s issue that I am giving addressing is Isabelle Derby. Mrs.Derby’s problem was that she didn’t really love Percival Derby. She actually loved the slave Noah, who also loved her. Everyone knew that Isabelle was pregnant, and they all thought that the baby was Percival’s, but when the baby was born black, they knew it was Noah’s. When Mr.Derby found out, he shot and killed the baby and Noah. He made Isabelle pay by killing the two people she loved. The advice I would give to her, even though I don’t know how the legal system worked back then, would be to divorce him as soon as possible because I wouldn’t want to be married to someone that made me watch as they murdered my newborn baby and the man I was in love with. I would also advise her to tell her father because he is the one that made her marry Mr.Derby, so he should know what kind of man Mr.Derby is.

Copper Sun Writing Prompt-Kyan Stanford

If I were to choose one person to bring home with me, I would bring Isabelle Derby. Isabelle is a charming friendly person. She is not the type of person that would disrespect or be evil towards your for no apparent reason. If she became like her husband I wouldn’t blame her because being cruel and mean is something that happens often in the south during that time period. If I could bring her to this time period, I would probably persuade her to speak on racism.

Racism is a big issue today. Law Enforcement Officers are arresting, beating, and killing blacks for no reason. More than 250 blacks got arrested for no apparent reason in 2016. Blacks are one of the main targets in todays society. Isabelle should really speak on this because she now has the opportunity to protest and speak against the government because today women can do anything men can do today.

Copper Sun Chapter 22 Summary Action- Amber Gauthier

In chapter 22 Teenie tells Amari and Polly to go out back and wash themselves. When they return she hands each of them a outfit worn by house serving maids and tells them they are going to take Flora’s place at supper.  At supper they served the meal while listening to the conversations. The meal was over and the last of the dishes were being removed, Mr.Derby finished his last glass of wine, lit his pipe and stretched his legs out from the chair. Meanwhile Amari was walking by with the final platter of leftover blackberry pie and looking at Polly, all of sudden she trips over Mr.Derby’s legs and fell.  Mr. Derby tells Lena to get his whip, and started to whip Amari at least twelve times. Finally, Mrs. Isabelle told him that it was enough and Mr.Derby told Amari to clean up the mess while they were walking away.

Copper Sun Retelling Chapter 25(action)- Chelsea I.

Mr. Derby unexpectedly appeared at the door of Teenie’s kitchen. He was looking for Lena or Flora because Miz Isabelle was having the baby. Teenie told him, honestly, that she had not seen either one of them that day. He asked Amari why she wasn’t in the rice field like he ordered but she had no answer.  He asked Polly first, then Amari if they knew anything about childbirth. Polly said no but Amari knew how to birth a baby. Teenie sent the two girls to Miz Isabelle’s room with boiling water and they rushed to get there. Without spilling the water, they tiptoed quickly down the hallway. As the girls reached the room, they heard Mrs. Derby crying out.  Mrs. Derby smiled weakly at them when they pulled back the curtains on her bed. Mrs Derby, barely able to get her words out, told them that they must help her. Polly replied saying that they will make sure both her and her baby are well. Mrs. Derby said she was going to die but Polly said that she was talking out of her head. The girls massaged her hands, washed her face with cold water, and helped her through each contraction. Mrs. Derby arched her back, screamed, then passed out. Polly lifted the blankets and saw the head of the baby and Amari eased the baby out. It was a girl with eyes just as green as her mother’s. The girls cleaned the baby off,  then Polly froze when she realized the baby was black!